Download Country Notes URUGUAY
Authоr: CIA, State Department
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Amount: 5.98 MB
Date: 4.09.2012

Uruguay Government Website Uruguay - Wikipedia, the free.
The United States established diplomatic relations with Uruguay in 1867, which became an independent state following the 1828 dissolution of its federation with
Uruguay i / ˈ jʊər ə ɡ w aɪ /, officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and sometimes called the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, is a country in the
Uruguay South America
Uruguay - U.S. Department of State
Background Notes/Country Fact Sheets.
Country Notes URUGUAY
Complete profile for Uruguay. Includes country demographics, geography, government, economy, telecommunications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.
Find Uruguay facts, map, and flag including information on geography, population, religion, economy, and more in the free, online CIA World Factbook on Yahoo! Kids
Country Notes URUGUAY
Information about Background Notes and Country Fact Sheets.
Capital of Uruguay South America
Uruguay - Country Profile - 2013 - Index.
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